
Hey gamers, today we are looking at the M13 Assault Rifle for Modern Warfare. 

The M13 is available at rank level 39 and it has a weapon max level of 69.  It has a standard 30 round magazine size and with a high rate of fire (923 rpm) it often acts more like an SMG.  It has the lowest damage output of any Assault Rifle, which makes the gun a 5 shot kill anywhere from 0-37.5 m and 6 shots outside of that.  Well placed Headshots will kill with 3-4 bullets depending on range.  

Of note, the M13 has 2 very unique attachments which you will want to take a look at in the Advanced Infographic ( .300 Blackout Rounds & M13 Skeleton Stock).  The M13 Skeleton stock with its massive mobility and movement increases may be one of the best attachments for any weapon in the game, unfortunately it doesn't unlock until weapon level 65, so you'll have to grind a while, but it is definitely worth the grind.

**Note:  With the recent 1.13 Patch, some of the damage and range numbers for the M13 were modified, and that data is captured in the info above, as well as the Infographics below.

Included in the Infographics are the general details, camo unlock requirements, base stats, some loadouts, and a listing of the Attachment Unlock Levels.  

As for the Loadouts, there is an SMG Style setup, a Mid-range setup and a Stealth Setup.

For a complete Stealth Class Setup, We recommend the Stealth Loadout along with the following Perks: Cold-Blooded, Ghost, Shrapnel.  This allows you to stay off of enemy radar and gives you an extra lethal (claymore, mine, etc...).  Right now I only have the weapon at Level 42, so I'll run the No Stock option until I get the Skeleton Stock.  I renamed the Class Setup - Ice King, Here's a look at it in the Base Splinter Camo (Tundra).

For more advanced Statistics, see our second page which highlights two of the loadout suggestions, gives additional weapon statistics, as well as goes into the characteristics of the special Barrels, Ammunition, and the Skeleton Stock that comes with the M13.

I spend quite a bit of time searching for the most accurate data from a variety of sources to compile all of this information into 1 or 2 pages.  If you haven't yet visited The Xclusive Ace on YouTube, I highly recommend subscribing to his Channel if you are interested in Modern Warfare Gun Stats.  He does an incredible job of explaining the info and some of what I have here I will accredit to his research. 

If you have any other recommended loadouts, or suggestions, add them in the comments below.

Below is a Summary of some of the info if the Graphic isn't working for you.

Camoflauge Requirements

These are the requirements if you're looking to max each camo pattern.  Complete all of the following to unlock the Gold Camo for the M13. 
  1. Spray Paint - 800 Kills
  2. Woodland - 125 Headshot Kills
  3. Digital - 160 Crouching Kills
  4. Dragon - 75 Hipfire Kills
  5. Splinter - 100 Longshot Kills
  6. Topo - 100 Mounted Kills
  7. Tiger - 180 Kills w/ 5 Attachments
  8. Stripes - 50 Kills Shortly after Reload
  9. Reptile - 110 Kills with 0 Attachments
  10. Skulls - 35 Kill 3 Enemies w/o Dying

Keep in mind you can only complete the objective after unlocking the pattern.

Attachment Unlock Level Requirements

Muzzle -  Unlock Level Attachment Attachment Type Unlock Level
Tactical Suppressor 2 Tactical Suppressor Muzzle 2
Flash Guard  8 Solozero Optics Mini-Reflex Optics 3
Muzzle Brake 11 1mW Laser  Laser 4
Breacher Device 19 Aim-Op Reflex Sight Optics 5
Lightweight Suppressor 33 Heavy Hitter Perk 6
Compensator 50 Corp Combat Holo Sight Optics 7
Monolithic Suppressor  60 Flash Guard  Muzzle 8
Barrel -  Unlock Level Merc Foregrip Underbarrel 9
Tempus Mini 15 Scout Combat Optic Optics 10
Tempus Cyclone 37 Muzzle Brake Muzzle 11
Tempus Marksman 56 Operator Reflex Sight Optics 12
Laser -  Unlock Level M203 40mm Smokescreen Underbarrel 13
1mW Laser  4 Granulated Grip Tape Rear Grip 14
Tac Laser 22 Tempus Mini Barrel 15
5mW Laser  44 4.0x Flip Hybrid Optics 16
Rear Grip- Unlock Level Frangible - Wounding Perk 17
Granulated Grip Tape 14 Commando Foregrip Underbarrel 18
Stippled Grip Tape 26 Breacher Device Muzzle 19
Rubberized Grip Tape 61 Forge TAC Stalker Stock 20
Optics -  Unlock Level M203 40mm Incendiary Underbarrel 21
Solozero Optics Mini-Reflex 3 Tac Laser Laser 22
Aim-Op Reflex Sight 5 APX5 Holographic Sight Optics 23
Corp Combat Holo Sight 7 50 Round Mags Ammunition 24
Scout Combat Optic 10 G.I. Mini Reflex Optics 25
Operator Reflex Sight 12 Stippled Grip Tape Rear Grip 26
4.0x Flip Hybrid 16 M203 40mm Flash Underbarrel 27
APX5 Holographic Sight 23 VLK 3.0x Optic Optics 28
G.I. Mini Reflex 25 Fully Loaded Perk 29
VLK 3.0x Optic 28 Bipod Underbarrel 30
Cronen LP945 Mini Reflex 31 Cronen LP945 Mini Reflex Optics 31
Viper Reflex Sight 35 Sleight of Hand Perk 32
Sniper Scope 39 Lightweight Suppressor Muzzle 33
Solozero NVG Enhanced 43 No Stock Stock 34
Monocle Reflex Sight 45 Viper Reflex Sight Optics 35
Cronen C480 Pro Optic 48 M203 40mm High-Explosive Underbarrel 36
Merc Thermal Optic 51 Tempus Cyclone Barrel 37
Canted Hybrid 55 Burst Perk 38
PBX Holo 7 Sight 58 Sniper Scope Optics 39
Thermal Hybrid 63 Tactical Foregrip Underbarrel 40
Integral Hybrid 67 .300 Blackout 30-Rd Mags Ammunition 41
Variable Zoom Scope 69 Mo' Money Perk 42
Ammunition - Unlock Level Solozero NVG Enhanced Optics 43
50 Round Mags 24 5mW Laser  Laser 44
.300 Blackout 30-Rd Mags 41 Monocle Reflex Sight Optics 45
60 Round Mags 53 Fast Melee Perk 46
Under Barrel -  Unlock Level M203 40mm Concussive Underbarrel 47
Merc Foregrip 9 Cronen C480 Pro Optic Optics 48
M203 40mm Smokescreen 13 FSS Close Quarters Stock Stock 49
Commando Foregrip 18 Compensator Muzzle 50
M203 40mm Incendiary 21 Merc Thermal Optic Optics 51
M203 40mm Flash 27 Ranger Foregrip Underbarrel 52
Bipod 30 60 Round Mags Ammunition 53
M203 40mm High-Explosive 36 Frangible Disabling Perk 54
Tactical Foregrip 40 Canted Hybrid Optics 55
M203 40mm Concussive 47 Tempus Marksman Barrel 56
Ranger Foregrip 52 M203 40mm Recon Underbarrel 57
M203 40mm Recon 57 PBX Holo 7 Sight Optics 58
Operator Foregrip 64 Recon Perk 59
12 Gauge Deputy 68 Monolithic Suppressor  Muzzle 60
Perks -  Unlock Level Rubberized Grip Tape Rear Grip 61
Heavy Hitter 6 FMJ Perk 62
Frangible - Wounding 17 Thermal Hybrid Optics 63
Fully Loaded 29 Operator Foregrip Underbarrel 64
Sleight of Hand 32 M13 Skeleton Stock Stock 65
Burst 38 Presence of Mind Perk 66
Mo' Money 42 Integral Hybrid Optics 67
Fast Melee 46 12 Gauge Deputy Underbarrel 68
Frangible Disabling 54 Variable Zoom Scope Optics 69
Recon 59
FMJ 62
Presence of Mind 66
Stock -  Unlock Level
Forge TAC Stalker 20
No Stock 34
FSS Close Quarters Stock 49
M13 Skeleton Stock 65

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