Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Battlefield 4 Spotting Changes

From the new Battlefield 4 Trailer, Fishing in Baku we can see that there have been some changes to the spotting system in Battlefield 4.
click the following link for the Fishing in Baku, 17 Minute Trailer

First, there is an audible chirp and a Hand signal given to alert your teammates that you have spotted some enemies.  You can see the raised fist in the image below.  To hear the audible chirp, watch my video at the end of the post.

It is not evident whether you can spot while sighted down a scope as if you were a Recon player in BF3.  This gameplay almost makes it appear as if spotting is done while not being scoped in.  When we find out more about this functionality, we will update.

Second, There is an Icon that comes up in your lower RH status bar.  It is an upside down triangle that slowly blinks orange while you have enemies spotted.  It is right next to the zig-zag symbol we were accustomed to seeing in BF3 for fallen teammates.

Third, similarly to the icon in the status box, the Icon over the enemies head is now inverted compared to BF3.  The marker in Battlefield 4 shows an Upside Down Triangle pointed at the enemies head.  This should make head-shot targeting a bit easier.

Lastly, as in Battlefield 3, the Marker still shows up in the minimap and shows in which direction, the enemy is facing, so you will know whether you are sneaking up behind them, or if they will be facing you when you encounter them.

In regards to multiplayer gameplay, there are still some questions in regards to how this system will work.  Will your squad mates be the only ones to hear the audible chirp and see the hand notification, or will that be made available to your entire team, or will the enemies even be able to hear it?  We'll find out here soon.

See my YouTube video pointing out some of these differences discussed.

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