Monday, June 3, 2013

Hey everyone, there is much debate between the new PS4 and the XBOX One.

I'm not going to spend a lot of time comparing the two here, you can find out more at the following links.  In a nutshell, computing wise, they are pretty similar.
I can say that I have had the following consoles, so that you know where I'm coming from;
Playstation 2
XBOX 360 (2 of them) one older generation which Red-Ringed me, and a newer 250GB with Kinect
I never did purchase a PS3, solely because I already had the XBOX 360, and saw little need to add an additional console.

Prior to the XBOX One Reveal, I was totally sold, regardless of what came out that I was going to buy the new XBOX.  I'm now, not sure as to whether I should get the new XBOX, or make the leap back to the PS4.  I'm really disappointed that Microsoft seems to forget that the XBOX was a GAMING system, not an entertainment box.  At least Sony seems to recognize that the core purchasers of the consoles are gamers, people who want to play high performance video games.  No non-gaming individual is going to spend $500+ on a console to use it as an entertainment device.  Especially when the likes of Apple TV, Roku, Boxee, etc... all exist for around $100.  Just the same, most TV's can do what the XBOX features, just without the gaming aspect.

I personally think Microsoft now needs to step up and show the Gaming features of the system.  They spent the entire reveal, showing everything but the Video Games.  Did they forget that you use the controller to play games with, and not switch between radio stations or tv channels?

I wish there was a company out there who would harness the computing power available, and make a truly worthy console, focused strictly on gaming.  The current capabilities, focused purely on gaming, graphics and audio would no doubt be astounding.

They seemed to be getting there, however they made a huge mistake in my opinion.  How is the 14 year old kid going to explain to his parents that he would like a new XBOX for Christmas to play games and it now costs $400-$1000.  Whatever the cost will be.  Do you really think that kid is going to get any playtime with the TV capabilities, etc...
Last parting words....

Microsoft.... Get back to the Video Games.  Develop some other device that does all the Entertainment and sell it separately, or as an add on.
Sony....Keep it up, you may have won yourself a new customer, but I'd like to see more.

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