Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I'm Back!

Sorry all, I've neglected this channel for a while.  Since my last post, Battlefield 4 along with COD: Ghosts is out.

I have spent the majority of my time playing Battlefield 4, but will also be spending some time playing Ryse and Titanfall.

As you can guess, I also purchased an XBOX One, Day One Edition.

The XBOX One has been great, although Battlefield 4 has had some issues, of which EA and DICE are still trying to work out.

In short order, I'll start posting some of my recent BF4 Camo Videos which I had posted on YouTube.

When Titanfall comes out, I will be buying that, and posting videos for Titanfall, so stay in tune there.

Sorry for the lag, I'll try to make it up.